Source code for dust_extinction.shapes

import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.modeling import Fittable1DModel, Parameter

from .helpers import _get_x_in_wavenumbers, _test_valid_x_range

__all__ = ["FM90", "FM90_B3", "P92", "G21"]

x_range_FM90 = [1.0 / 0.35, 1.0 / 0.09]
x_range_P92 = [1.0 / 1e3, 1.0 / 1e-3]

def _curve_F99_method(
    Function to return extinction using F99 method

    in_x: float
        expects either x in units of wavelengths or frequency
        or assumes wavelengths in wavenumbers [1/micron]

        internally wavenumbers are used

    Rv: float
       ratio of total to selective extinction = A(V)/E(B-V)

    C1: float
        y-intercept of linear term: FM90 parameter

    C2: float
        slope of liner term: FM90 parameter

    C3: float
        amplitude of "2175 A" bump: FM90 parameter

    C4: float
        amplitude of FUV rise: FM90 parameter

    xo: float
        centroid of "2175 A" bump: FM90 parameter

    gamma: float
        width of "2175 A" bump: FM90 parameter

    optnir_axav_x: float array
        vector of x values for optical/NIR A(x)/A(V) curve

    optnir_axav_y: float array
        vector of y values for optical/NIR A(x)/A(V) curve

    axav: np array (float)
        A(x)/A(V) extinction curve [mag]

        Input x values outside of defined range
    x = _get_x_in_wavenumbers(in_x)

    # check that the wavenumbers are within the defined range
    _test_valid_x_range(x, valid_x_range, model_name)

    # initialize extinction curve storage
    axav = np.zeros(len(x))

    # x value above which FM90 parametrization used
    x_cutval_uv = 10000.0 / 2700.0

    # required UV points for spline interpolation
    x_splineval_uv = 10000.0 / np.array([2700.0, 2600.0])

    # UV points in input x
    (indxs_uv,) = np.where(x >= x_cutval_uv)

    # add in required spline points, otherwise just spline points
    if len(indxs_uv) > 0:
        xuv = np.concatenate([x_splineval_uv, x[indxs_uv]])
        xuv = x_splineval_uv

    # FM90 model and values
    fm90_model = FM90(C1=C1, C2=C2, C3=C3, C4=C4, xo=xo, gamma=gamma)
    # evaluate model and get results in A(x)/A(V)
    axav_fm90 = fm90_model(xuv / u.micron) / Rv + 1.0

    # save spline points
    y_splineval_uv = axav_fm90[0:2]

    # ingore the spline points
    if len(indxs_uv) > 0:
        axav[indxs_uv] = axav_fm90[2:]

    # **Optical Portion**
    #   using cubic spline anchored in UV, optical, and IR

    # optical/NIR points in input x
    (indxs_opir,) = np.where(x < x_cutval_uv)

    if len(indxs_opir) > 0:
        # spline points
        x_splineval_optir = optnir_axav_x

        # determine optical/IR values at spline points
        y_splineval_optir = optnir_axav_y

        # add in zero extinction at infinite wavelength
        x_splineval_optir = np.insert(x_splineval_optir, 0, 0.0)
        y_splineval_optir = np.insert(y_splineval_optir, 0, 0.0)

        spline_x = np.concatenate([x_splineval_optir, x_splineval_uv])
        spline_y = np.concatenate([y_splineval_optir, y_splineval_uv])
        spline_rep = interpolate.splrep(spline_x, spline_y)
        axav[indxs_opir] = interpolate.splev(x[indxs_opir], spline_rep, der=0)

    # return A(x)/A(V)
    return axav

def _modified_drude(x, scale, x_o, gamma_o, asym):
    Modified Drude function to have a variable asymmetry.  Drude profiles
    are intrinsically asymmetric with the asymmetry fixed by specific central
    wavelength and width.  This modified Drude introduces an asymmetry
    parameter that allows for variable asymmetry at fixed central wavelength
    and width.

    x : float
        input wavelengths

    scale : float
        central amplitude

    x_o : float
        central wavelength

    gamma_o : float
        full-width-half-maximum of profile

    asym : float
        asymmetry where a value of 0 results in a standard Drude profile
    gamma = 2.0 * gamma_o / (1.0 + np.exp(asym * (x - x_o)))
    y = scale * ((gamma / x_o) ** 2) / ((x / x_o - x_o / x) ** 2 + (gamma / x_o) ** 2)

    return y

[docs] class FM90(Fittable1DModel): r""" Fitzpatrick & Massa (1990) 6 parameter ultraviolet shape model Parameters ---------- C1: float y-intercept of linear term C2: float slope of liner term C3: float strength of "2175 A" bump (true amplitude is C3/gamma^2) C4: float amplitude of FUV rise xo: float centroid of "2175 A" bump gamma: float width of "2175 A" bump Notes ----- From Fitzpatrick & Massa (1990, ApJS, 72, 163) Only applicable at UV wavelengths Example showing a FM90 curve with components identified. .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import astropy.units as u from dust_extinction.shapes import FM90 fig, ax = plt.subplots() # generate the curves and plot them x = np.arange(3.8,8.6,0.1)/u.micron ext_model = FM90() ax.plot(x,ext_model(x),label='total') ext_model = FM90(C3=0.0, C4=0.0) ax.plot(x,ext_model(x),label='linear term') ext_model = FM90(C1=0.0, C2=0.0, C4=0.0) ax.plot(x,ext_model(x),label='bump term') ext_model = FM90(C1=0.0, C2=0.0, C3=0.0) ax.plot(x,ext_model(x),label='FUV rise term') ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$ [$\mu m^{-1}$]') ax.set_ylabel(r'$E(\lambda - V)/E(B - V)$') ax.legend(loc='best') """ n_inputs = 1 n_outputs = 1 C1 = Parameter(description="linear term: y-intercept", default=0.10) C2 = Parameter(description="linear term: slope", default=0.70) C3 = Parameter(description="bump: amplitude", default=3.23) C4 = Parameter(description="FUV rise: amplitude", default=0.41) xo = Parameter(description="bump: centroid", default=4.60, min=0.0) gamma = Parameter(description="bump: width", default=0.99, min=0.0) x_range = x_range_FM90
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate(in_x, C1, C2, C3, C4, xo, gamma): """ FM90 function Parameters ---------- in_x: float expects either x in units of wavelengths or frequency or assumes wavelengths in wavenumbers [1/micron] internally wavenumbers are used Returns ------- exvebv: np array (float) E(x-V)/E(B-V) extinction curve [mag] Raises ------ ValueError Input x values outside of defined range """ x = _get_x_in_wavenumbers(in_x) # check that the wavenumbers are within the defined range _test_valid_x_range(x, x_range_FM90, "FM90") # linear term exvebv = C1 + C2 * x # bump term x2 = x**2 exvebv += C3 * (x2 / ((x2 - xo**2) ** 2 + x2 * (gamma**2))) # FUV rise term fnuv_indxs = np.where(x >= 5.9) if len(fnuv_indxs) > 0: y = x[fnuv_indxs] - 5.9 exvebv[fnuv_indxs] += C4 * (0.5392 * (y**2) + 0.05644 * (y**3)) # return E(x-V)/E(B-V) return exvebv
[docs] @staticmethod def fit_deriv(in_x, C1, C2, C3, C4, xo, gamma): """ Derivatives of the FM90 function with respect to the parameters """ x = in_x # useful quantitites x2 = x**2 xo2 = xo**2 g2 = gamma**2 x2mxo2_2 = (x2 - xo2) ** 2 denom = (x2mxo2_2 - x2 * g2) ** 2 # derivatives d_C1 = np.full((len(x)), 1.0) d_C2 = x d_C3 = x2 / (x2mxo2_2 + x2 * g2) d_xo = (4.0 * C2 * x2 * xo * (x2 - xo2)) / denom d_gamma = (2.0 * C2 * (x2**2) * gamma) / denom d_C4 = np.zeros((len(x))) fuv_indxs = np.where(x >= 5.9) if len(fuv_indxs) > 0: y = x[fuv_indxs] - 5.9 d_C4[fuv_indxs] = 0.5392 * (y**2) + 0.05644 * (y**3) return [d_C1, d_C2, d_C3, d_C4, d_xo, d_gamma]
# @property # def input_units(self): # if self.xo.unit is None: # return None # return {self.inputs[0]: self.xo.unit} # # def _parameter_units_for_data_units(self, inputs_unit, outputs_unit): # return {'xo': inputs_unit[self.inputs[0]], # 'C1': outputs_unit[self.outputs[0]], # 'C2': outputs_unit[self.outputs[0]], # 'C3': outputs_unit[self.outputs[0]], # 'C4': outputs_unit[self.outputs[0]]}
[docs] class FM90_B3(Fittable1DModel): r""" Fitzpatrick & Massa (1990) 6 parameter ultraviolet shape model Version with bump amplitude B3 = C3/gamma^2 Parameters ---------- C1: float y-intercept of linear term C2: float slope of liner term B3: float amplitude of "2175 A" bump C4: float amplitude of FUV rise xo: float centroid of "2175 A" bump gamma: float width of "2175 A" bump Notes ----- From Fitzpatrick & Massa (1990, ApJS, 72, 163) Only applicable at UV wavelengths Example showing a FM90 curve with components identified. .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import astropy.units as u from dust_extinction.shapes import FM90_B3 fig, ax = plt.subplots() # generate the curves and plot them x = np.arange(3.8,8.6,0.1)/u.micron ext_model = FM90_B3() ax.plot(x,ext_model(x),label='total') ext_model = FM90_B3(B3=0.0, C4=0.0) ax.plot(x,ext_model(x),label='linear term') ext_model = FM90_B3(C1=0.0, C2=0.0, C4=0.0) ax.plot(x,ext_model(x),label='bump term') ext_model = FM90_B3(C1=0.0, C2=0.0, B3=0.0) ax.plot(x,ext_model(x),label='FUV rise term') ax.set_xlabel(r'$x$ [$\mu m^{-1}$]') ax.set_ylabel(r'$E(\lambda - V)/E(B - V)$') ax.legend(loc='best') """ n_inputs = 1 n_outputs = 1 C1 = Parameter(description="linear term: y-intercept", default=0.10) C2 = Parameter(description="linear term: slope", default=0.70) B3 = Parameter(description="bump: amplitude", default=3.23) C4 = Parameter(description="FUV rise: amplitude", default=0.41) xo = Parameter(description="bump: centroid", default=4.60, min=0.0) gamma = Parameter(description="bump: width", default=0.99, min=0.0) x_range = x_range_FM90
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate(in_x, C1, C2, B3, C4, xo, gamma): """ FM90 function Parameters ---------- in_x: float expects either x in units of wavelengths or frequency or assumes wavelengths in wavenumbers [1/micron] internally wavenumbers are used Returns ------- exvebv: np array (float) E(x-V)/E(B-V) extinction curve [mag] Raises ------ ValueError Input x values outside of defined range """ x = _get_x_in_wavenumbers(in_x) # check that the wavenumbers are within the defined range _test_valid_x_range(x, x_range_FM90, "FM90_B3") # linear term exvebv = C1 + C2 * x # bump term x2 = x**2 exvebv += (B3 * gamma**2) * (x2 / ((x2 - xo**2) ** 2 + x2 * (gamma**2))) # FUV rise term fnuv_indxs = np.where(x >= 5.9) if len(fnuv_indxs) > 0: y = x[fnuv_indxs] - 5.9 exvebv[fnuv_indxs] += C4 * (0.5392 * (y**2) + 0.05644 * (y**3)) # return E(x-V)/E(B-V) return exvebv
[docs] class P92(Fittable1DModel): r""" Pei (1992) 24 parameter shape model Parameters ---------- BKG_amp : float background term amplitude BKG_lambda : float background term central wavelength BKG_b : float background term b coefficient BKG_n : float background term n coefficient [FIXED at n = 2] FUV_amp : float far-ultraviolet term amplitude FUV_lambda : float far-ultraviolet term central wavelength FUV_b : float far-ultraviolet term b coefficent FUV_n : float far-ultraviolet term n coefficient NUV_amp : float near-ultraviolet (2175 A) term amplitude NUV_lambda : float near-ultraviolet (2175 A) term central wavelength NUV_b : float near-ultraviolet (2175 A) term b coefficent NUV_n : float near-ultraviolet (2175 A) term n coefficient [FIXED at n = 2] SIL1_amp : float 1st silicate feature (~10 micron) term amplitude SIL1_lambda : float 1st silicate feature (~10 micron) term central wavelength SIL1_b : float 1st silicate feature (~10 micron) term b coefficent SIL1_n : float 1st silicate feature (~10 micron) term n coefficient [FIXED at n = 2] SIL2_amp : float 2nd silicate feature (~18 micron) term amplitude SIL2_lambda : float 2nd silicate feature (~18 micron) term central wavelength SIL2_b : float 2nd silicate feature (~18 micron) term b coefficient SIL2_n : float 2nd silicate feature (~18 micron) term n coefficient [FIXED at n = 2] FIR_amp : float far-infrared term amplitude FIR_lambda : float far-infrared term central wavelength FIR_b : float far-infrared term b coefficent FIR_n : float far-infrared term n coefficient [FIXED at n = 2] Notes ----- From Pei (1992, ApJ, 395, 130) Applicable from the extreme UV to far-IR Example showing a P92 curve with components identified. .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import astropy.units as u from dust_extinction.shapes import P92 fig, ax = plt.subplots() # generate the curves and plot them lam = np.logspace(-3.0, 3.0, num=1000) x = (1.0/lam)/u.micron ext_model = P92() ax.plot(1/x,ext_model(x),label='total') ext_model = P92(FUV_amp=0., NUV_amp=0.0, SIL1_amp=0.0, SIL2_amp=0.0, FIR_amp=0.0) ax.plot(1./x,ext_model(x),label='BKG only') ext_model = P92(NUV_amp=0.0, SIL1_amp=0.0, SIL2_amp=0.0, FIR_amp=0.0) ax.plot(1./x,ext_model(x),label='BKG+FUV only') ext_model = P92(FUV_amp=0., SIL1_amp=0.0, SIL2_amp=0.0, FIR_amp=0.0) ax.plot(1./x,ext_model(x),label='BKG+NUV only') ext_model = P92(FUV_amp=0., NUV_amp=0.0, SIL2_amp=0.0) ax.plot(1./x,ext_model(x),label='BKG+FIR+SIL1 only') ext_model = P92(FUV_amp=0., NUV_amp=0.0, SIL1_amp=0.0) ax.plot(1./x,ext_model(x),label='BKG+FIR+SIL2 only') ext_model = P92(FUV_amp=0., NUV_amp=0.0, SIL1_amp=0.0, SIL2_amp=0.0) ax.plot(1./x,ext_model(x),label='BKG+FIR only') # Milky Way observed extinction as tabulated by Pei (1992) MW_x = [0.21, 0.29, 0.45, 0.61, 0.80, 1.11, 1.43, 1.82, 2.27, 2.50, 2.91, 3.65, 4.00, 4.17, 4.35, 4.57, 4.76, 5.00, 5.26, 5.56, 5.88, 6.25, 6.71, 7.18, 7.60, 8.00, 8.50, 9.00, 9.50, 10.00] MW_x = np.array(MW_x) MW_exvebv = [-3.02, -2.91, -2.76, -2.58, -2.23, -1.60, -0.78, 0.00, 1.00, 1.30, 1.80, 3.10, 4.19, 4.90, 5.77, 6.57, 6.23, 5.52, 4.90, 4.65, 4.60, 4.73, 4.99, 5.36, 5.91, 6.55, 7.45, 8.45, 9.80, 11.30] MW_exvebv = np.array(MW_exvebv) Rv = 3.08 MW_axav = MW_exvebv/Rv + 1.0 ax.plot(1./MW_x, MW_axav, 'o', label='MW Observed') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_ylim(1e-3,10.) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\lambda$ [$\mu$m]') ax.set_ylabel(r'$A(x)/A(V)$') ax.legend(loc='best') """ n_inputs = 1 n_outputs = 1 # constant for conversion from Ax/Ab to (more standard) Ax/Av AbAv = 1.0 / 3.08 + 1.0 BKG_amp = Parameter( description="BKG term: amplitude", default=165.0 * AbAv, min=0.0 ) BKG_lambda = Parameter(description="BKG term: center wavelength", default=0.047) BKG_b = Parameter(description="BKG term: b coefficient", default=90.0) BKG_n = Parameter(description="BKG term: n coefficient", default=2.0, fixed=True) FUV_amp = Parameter(description="FUV term: amplitude", default=14.0 * AbAv, min=0.0) FUV_lambda = Parameter( description="FUV term: center wavelength", default=0.07, bounds=(0.06, 0.08) ) FUV_b = Parameter(description="FUV term: b coefficient", default=4.0) FUV_n = Parameter(description="FUV term: n coefficient", default=6.5) NUV_amp = Parameter( description="NUV term: amplitude", default=0.045 * AbAv, min=0.0 ) NUV_lambda = Parameter( description="NUV term: center wavelength", default=0.22, bounds=(0.20, 0.24) ) NUV_b = Parameter(description="NUV term: b coefficient", default=-1.95) NUV_n = Parameter(description="NUV term: n coefficient", default=2.0, fixed=True) SIL1_amp = Parameter( description="SIL1 term: amplitude", default=0.002 * AbAv, min=0.0 ) SIL1_lambda = Parameter( description="SIL1 term: center wavelength", default=9.7, bounds=(7.0, 13.0) ) SIL1_b = Parameter(description="SIL1 term: b coefficient", default=-1.95) SIL1_n = Parameter(description="SIL1 term: n coefficient", default=2.0, fixed=True) SIL2_amp = Parameter( description="SIL2 term: amplitude", default=0.002 * AbAv, min=0.0 ) SIL2_lambda = Parameter( description="SIL2 term: center wavelength", default=18.0, bounds=(15.0, 21.0) ) SIL2_b = Parameter(description="SIL2 term: b coefficient", default=-1.80) SIL2_n = Parameter(description="SIL2 term: n coefficient", default=2.0, fixed=True) FIR_amp = Parameter( description="FIR term: amplitude", default=0.012 * AbAv, min=0.0 ) FIR_lambda = Parameter( description="FIR term: center wavelength", default=25.0, bounds=(20.0, 30.0) ) FIR_b = Parameter(description="FIR term: b coefficient", default=0.00) FIR_n = Parameter(description="FIR term: n coefficient", default=2.0, fixed=True) x_range = x_range_P92 @staticmethod def _p92_single_term(in_lambda, amplitude, cen_wave, b, n): r""" Function for calculating a single P92 term .. math:: \frac{a}{(\lambda/cen_wave)^n + (cen_wave/\lambda)^n + b} when n = 2, this term is equivalent to a Drude profile Parameters ---------- in_lambda: vector of floats wavelengths in same units as cen_wave amplitude: float amplitude cen_wave: flaot central wavelength b : float b coefficient n : float n coefficient """ l_norm = in_lambda / cen_wave return amplitude / (np.power(l_norm, n) + np.power(l_norm, -1 * n) + b)
[docs] def evaluate( self, in_x, BKG_amp, BKG_lambda, BKG_b, BKG_n, FUV_amp, FUV_lambda, FUV_b, FUV_n, NUV_amp, NUV_lambda, NUV_b, NUV_n, SIL1_amp, SIL1_lambda, SIL1_b, SIL1_n, SIL2_amp, SIL2_lambda, SIL2_b, SIL2_n, FIR_amp, FIR_lambda, FIR_b, FIR_n, ): """ P92 function Parameters ---------- in_x: float expects either x in units of wavelengths or frequency or assumes wavelengths in wavenumbers [1/micron] internally wavenumbers are used Returns ------- axav: np array (float) A(x)/A(V) extinction curve [mag] Raises ------ ValueError Input x values outside of defined range """ x = _get_x_in_wavenumbers(in_x) # check that the wavenumbers are within the defined range _test_valid_x_range(x, self.x_range, self.__class__.__name__) # calculate the terms lam = 1.0 / x axav = ( self._p92_single_term(lam, BKG_amp, BKG_lambda, BKG_b, BKG_n) + self._p92_single_term(lam, FUV_amp, FUV_lambda, FUV_b, FUV_n) + self._p92_single_term(lam, NUV_amp, NUV_lambda, NUV_b, NUV_n) + self._p92_single_term(lam, SIL1_amp, SIL1_lambda, SIL1_b, SIL1_n) + self._p92_single_term(lam, SIL2_amp, SIL2_lambda, SIL2_b, SIL2_n) + self._p92_single_term(lam, FIR_amp, FIR_lambda, FIR_b, FIR_n) ) # return A(x)/A(V) return axav
# use numerical derivaties (need to add analytic) fit_deriv = None
[docs] class G21(Fittable1DModel): r""" Gordon et al. (2021) powerlaw plus two modified Drude profiles (for the 10 & 20 micron silicate features) for the 1 to 40 micron A(lambda)/A(V) extinction curve. Parameters ---------- scale: float amplitude of the powerlaw at 1 micron alpha: float power of powerlaw sil1_amp: float central amplitude of the 10 micron silicate feature sil1_center: float center wavelength of the 10 micron silicate feature sil1_fwhm: float full width at half maximum of the 10 micron silicate feature sil1_asym: float asymmetry of the 10 micron silicate feature sil2_amp: float central amplitude of the 20 micron silicate feature sil2_center: float center wavelength of the 20 micron silicate feature sil2_fwhm: float full width at half maximum of the 20 micron silicate feature sil2_asym: float asymmetry of the 20 micron silicate feature Notes ----- From Gordon et al. (2021, ApJ, submitted) Only applicable at NIR/MIR wavelengths from 1-40 micron Example showing a G21 curve with components identified. .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import astropy.units as u from dust_extinction.shapes import G21 fig, ax = plt.subplots() # generate the curves and plot them lam = np.logspace(np.log10(1.01), np.log10(39.9), num=1000) x = (1.0/lam)/u.micron ext_model = G21() ax.plot(1/x,ext_model(x),label='total') ext_model = G21(sil1_amp=0.0, sil2_amp=0.0) ax.plot(1./x,ext_model(x),label='power-law only') ext_model = G21(sil2_amp=0.0) ax.plot(1./x,ext_model(x),label='power-law+sil1 only') ext_model = G21(sil1_amp=0.0) ax.plot(1./x,ext_model(x),label='power-law+sil2 only') ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_yscale('log') ax.set_xlabel('$\lambda$ [$\mu$m]') ax.set_ylabel('$A(x)/A(V)$') ax.set_title('G21') ax.legend(loc='best') """ # inputs = ("x",) # outputs = ("axav",) scale = Parameter( description="powerlaw: amplitude", default=0.37, bounds=(0.0, 1.0) ) alpha = Parameter(description="powerlaw: alpha", default=1.5, bounds=(0.5, 5.0)) sil1_amp = Parameter( description="silicate 10um: amplitude", default=0.07, bounds=(0.001, 0.3) ) sil1_center = Parameter( description="silicate 10um: center", default=9.87, bounds=(8.0, 12.0) ) sil1_fwhm = Parameter( description="silicate 10um: fwhm", default=2.5, bounds=(1.0, 10.0) ) sil1_asym = Parameter( description="silicate 10um: asymmetry", default=-0.23, bounds=(-2.0, 2.0) ) sil2_amp = Parameter( description="silicate 20um: amplitude", default=0.025, bounds=(0.001, 0.3) ) sil2_center = Parameter( description="silicate 20um: center", default=17.0, bounds=(16.0, 24.0) ) sil2_fwhm = Parameter( description="silicate 20um: fwhm", default=13.0, bounds=(5.0, 20.0) ) sil2_asym = Parameter( description="silicate 20um: asymmetry", default=-0.27, bounds=(-2.0, 2.0) ) x_range = [1.0 / 40.0, 1.0]
[docs] def evaluate( self, in_x, scale, alpha, sil1_amp, sil1_center, sil1_fwhm, sil1_asym, sil2_amp, sil2_center, sil2_fwhm, sil2_asym, ): """ G21 function Parameters ---------- in_x: float expects either x in units of wavelengths or frequency or assumes wavelengths in wavenumbers [1/micron] Returns ------- axav: np array (float) A(x)/A(V) extinction curve [mag] Raises ------ ValueError Input x values outside of defined range """ x = _get_x_in_wavenumbers(in_x) # check that the wavenumbers are within the defined range _test_valid_x_range(x, self.x_range, "G21") wave = 1 / x # powerlaw axav = scale * (wave ** (-1.0 * alpha)) # silicate feature drudes axav += _modified_drude(wave, sil1_amp, sil1_center, sil1_fwhm, sil1_asym) axav += _modified_drude(wave, sil2_amp, sil2_center, sil2_fwhm, sil2_asym) return axav